QMS Inc. is proud to be a Gold Sponsor of the SAP America Annual -SAP MANUFACTURING FORUM: Redefining Operational Excellence
In addition to hosting and sponsoring this event- QMS Inc. will be presenting- The Advantages of Leveraging SAP QM & MII
With SAP Manufacturing Integration and Intelligence (MII), you can reliably produce to target, with cost reductions and quality improvements that are above industry average. The presentation will include: How the SAP MII Tool allows Manufacturing to Simplify Operations while leveraging existing Enterprise Application Infrastructure. Track and Trace enables eDHR. Simplified Graphical user Interface. Global Visibility to Inventory and WIP – Reporting. Reduction of dual Master Data systems. Shop floor integration – Service Enabled access to key data. Integration with QM module. –Case Study
We will also review: The Key Benefits of MII – Integration with External systems. Transparent to end user. MII takes advantage of QM Integration in SAP Supply Chain. Better Traceability. Move from Paper to Electronic Lot History. Unit by Unit Confirmation. Improved visibility & tracking of W.I.P.
QMS is a SAP consulting services provider focused on the manufacturing sector. As the industry leader in Quality Management, their practical industry experience and expert SAP skills can be leveraged to assist with SAP QM and MII.
Please view entire agenda and register for this event:
Dates: Newtown Square, PA-April 3-4, 2012